Official informations from:
Shaman King Characters Book & Shaman King Fan Book

Name: Marion (known as Mari)
Surname: Phauna
Birthday: February 28, 1987
Blood: Unknown
Birth Place: Italy
Hobby: Poetry
Style: Puppet Master
Team: Hanagumi
Furyoku: 8000
Favourite Food: Lamb roast with gorgonzola's sauce
OverSoul Channel: Chuck
Tecniques with Chuck: Magnum Craft
Quotes: "Mari tsumanai" (Mari is bored); "I'd like to kill him"
Usually she's unexpressive and quiet. She hates when people talk abou t their dreams because she considers them weak.
Marion The Puppet Master, fights manipulating a puppet named Chuck, the channel of her OverSoul, that she uses instead of the Oracle Bell.
She's a bit egoist and
outlandish. At the first sight, she seems to have a quiet personality, but her expression could change suddenly, showing all the hate that she hides in herself.
Her coldness
is the sign of the sad past that all the Hanagumi's members have in common.
She laughs covering her face with the hands and her personality is in clear contrast with the one of Matilda.