Full name: Iori Yagami
Birthdate: March 25; 20 years old (KOF '95~)
Birthplace: Japan
Height: 182 cm (6'0")
Weight: 79 kg (174 lbs.) (KOF '95~'98, KOF MI~MI2)
76 kg (168 lbs.) (KOF '99~)
Blood type: O
Family/Relatives: Unnamed father (reportedly deceased), Unnamed younger sister, Unnamed (ex) girlfriend
Job/Occupation: Musician (guitar player of a music band); last heir of the Yagami Clan (formerly know as Yasakani Clan)
Likes: Ring, watch (KOF '95); Girlfriend (KOF '95, '99, 2000); Brand necklace (KOF '96); Vintage guitar, Cats (KOF '97); Nothing special (KOF 2001~); New Girlfriend (CvS 2)
Dislikes: Violence
Hobbies: Playing in his band
Favorite food: Meat
Forte in sports: Everything
Favorite music: Jazz
Fighting style: Yagami style of ancient martial arts + pure instinct