
Hello! Welcome to "Everything Started with Friendship", the TAFL approved fanlisting dedicated to the relationship between Shiki Granbell and Rebecca Bluegarden , the heroes from the series Edens Zero, created and illusrated by the awesome Mashima Hiro!

Shiki and Rebecca meet each other since the begin of this story, and I love so much their way to interact! Rebecca is a cheerful and caring person that shows Shiki the way to realize his dreams, and he finds in her what he always called a friend. In fact, they are so cute and sweet together that I can't even believe my eyes about the development of their bond, that starts from friendship and become deeper and deeper, at the point that I literally scream eveytime he shows how much he cares of Rebecca going berserk when someone tries to hurt her. "You hurted Rebecca!", "You made Rebecca crying!", "Don't you dare touch her!". He is a knight. And his pureness is so cute that I think that he never realized that his feelings for her are not about friendship anymore (after more than 100 chapters)!

I also adore how beautiful are them when they fight together and face everything together, happy and sad things! And I hope they will become a real couple in the end, because love is in the air and I can feel it~

So, please, choose a link from the right to fully access the site, and if you're a fan of the relationship between Shiki and Rebecca , feel free to join their fandom!


Script used: Enthusiast
Updated: 08th January 2025
Member count: 1
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Dorothy

Part of Celestial Dreams
Since: 19th August, 2020
Owner: Dorothy

Edens Zero is the property of Mashima
& Kodansha, all rights reserved.
This is a fan-site and I do not intend to
violate them. The images I used to make
the site are from Zerochan and
. Layout & contents ©Dorothy.