Hi! Welcome to "Keep Out", the TFL approved fanlisting for the light novel series DRRR!! (better known as Durarara!!), written by the talented Narita Ryohgo and illustrated by the awesome Suzuhito Yasuda!
Ikebukuro. A mysterious rider and a rumored, notorius gang called Dollars.
An apparent normal guy that transfers in a rinomate Ikebukuro's school called Raira Academy, the contact with the mysterious rider and the strongest men of the place.
A story that involves all the characters as protagonists, that isn't just focuses on one of them but in turn on all the people, because there's not single roles in the story that won't be important and essential in future.
There's no distinction between evils or goods, friends or enemies, because in every moment the sight of point of the narration changes according to the narrator and who is involved in that side of the story.
Durarara!! is a singolar and original story that deserves to be read, and surely, a masterpiece like it deserve to have a fanlisting!
Please, choose a link from the right to fully access the site, and if you're a fan of Durarara!! , feel free to join its fandom!