You reached Fragments of Me, the fanlisting dedicated to Furoribanda Toneriko, a character of the manga Numbers by Kawori Tsubaki.
I'm very happy to write here today!! Just a week ago I was approved for this wonderful fanlisting and for me it's like a dream! :) I read Number with passion and Toneriko is the character that involved me the most reading the story. He's the kind of character that I adore, the one that I always look for in every manga I read! *--* I love his personality, his determination, and his will to kill Tekirai in order to avenge his family. I really couldn't help falling in love with him, and I'm excited to built a fanlisting for him!! *-*
I wanted to thank darkmercy, because I used her brushes for this fanlisting! ^-^
So, feel free to take a look around and please, join the fanlisting if you're a fan of him! :D
☆ Miriallia
Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 09th December 2024
Member count: 20
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Nina Ren online since: August 10, 2009
listed at:
part of: Wonderland |
August 11 2009: Added the icons page and three images in the gallery! *--*
August 10 2009: The fanlisting is up!!! :D