: You just reached Burn in my Hand, the fanlisting and shrine dedicated to Ogami Rei, a main character of the series Code:Breaker by Akimine Kamijo.
: I was really sure I won't be the one to own this fanlisting since it has been approved two times before my application, but it has never been build... So I'm very enthusiastic to be the new and hopefully permanent owner, and I hope to do my really best for this amazing character that stole my heart since the first time I read Code:Breaker! ♥ I wanted to thank very much the kind and cute Tonarino who scan and send me the image with evil smiling Ogami that I used for the header! Thanks again, sweetie!! *--*
: Feel free to look around and don't forget to join the fanlisting if you're a fan! :)
☆ Miriallia
Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 18th January 2025
Member count: 29
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Mydaya
online since: August 28, 2009
listed at: 
part of: Wonderland
August 20, 2013: The fanlisting reached 25 members, thanks! ☆

August 28, 2009: The fanlisting is up! :D