Hello! Welcome to "Red is the Color of Victory", the TAFL approved fanlisting dedicated to Naruko Shoukichi
, an awesome character from the series Yowamushi Pedal, created and illustrated by the talented Watanabe Wataru! 
Naruko is an energic and optimistic person who is in love with his bike. He starts as sprinter, but with the development of the story he became an all-rounder.
When this boy rides his bike he looks to be easy-going, but the truth is that he's a pragmatic and attentive one that doesn't overstimate himself. On the contrary, he's very self-confident but he knows well the way he is, even admitting that there are circumstances where he's totally idiot~
I think he has a splendid personality~

And it's not only because he always do his best until the very end or because he never give up, but because he loves cycling as the way he loves his friends. Speaking of this, Naruko would do everything for helping them, even giving up a race. But he'll always support the ones he loves, taking good care of them and trying to give them the best suggestions.
He's also a narcisist, but he can sacrifices his will to appear for something that he considers more important. And be serious even if he usually smiles cherfully~ 
Naruko is the character that catched my attention since his first apparition, and I can't help but adore him more and more, because he he's a great person with a golden heart and the most competitive will of win! 
It's not like he's someone that always won. He knows very well the meaning of lose and the frustration to feel the worst one even if he always did his best cycling.
His will of win and his incredible inner strength born from a past where he was a loser, and now touch a present where he's the winner.
I can't spoil so brutally the first Inter-High, so I'll keep my consideration for the Profile Section~

The reason why I chose this title for the site is that red is my Naruko's favourite color and he made it the color of his life. So, I wanted to use it for his fanlisting too, because this is my little demonstration of love for him~

Please, choose a link from the left to fully access this site, and if you're a fan of Manami, feel free to join his fandom!

Script used: Enthusiast
Updated: 26th January 2025
Member count: 5
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Vir Part of Celestial Dreams
Since: 28th June, 2014
Owned by: Dorothy |