
Hi! Welcome to "Searching for My Love Song", the TAFL approved fanlisting for Yui , the most sweet, energic and absolutely funny character from the series Angel Beats!, created by the awesome studio Key Visual!

Yui is introduced as a funny and zany fan-girl that becomes the new leader of the band Girls Dead Monster in place of Iwasawa.

She isn't talented or competent with music but she always do her best in order to sing the songs of her heroine, and make the others free to continue thinking of the music as catharsis.
She's full of life and so spontaneous. There's nothing that can stop her desire to live with all herself!!
Feel free to visit the relative sections of this site for major spoilers. She's much more than what we could think watching just the first couple of episodes.

Please, choose a link from the left to fully access the site, and if you're a fan of Yui, feel free to join her fandom!



Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 23rd March 2025
Member count: 44
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Dori

Part of Celestial Dreams
On-line since: 25th June, 2010
Owned by: Dorothy

Nakamura Yuri Hinata Hideki & Yui
Angel Beats! ©Key Visual. All rights reserved.  
Layout and contents @Dorothy