Hi! Welcome to "Holy Fight" , the TAFL approved fanlisting dedicated to Inoue Orihime and Kuchiki Rukia, the heroines from the series BLEACH, created and illustrated by Tite Kubo! 
The realation between Rukia and Orihime is something bitter and sweet, that they developed day by day from their first meeting.
Since they're totally different and they're in love with Ichigo, I never thought about an adorable relation between them, a relation like this.
Even if in a first moment
they had some
misunderstanding, with the Soul Society and the Hueco Mundo Arc, they concluded like two real friends. 
Part of their closeness is thanks to the discussion they did about Orihime's ensecurity, and Rukia treated her not like a friend or a rival but like a sister...

I hope that Kubo-sensei will find other moments like this for them~
Please choose a link from the left to fully access this site and if you're a fan of the relation between Orihime and Rukia, feel free to join their fandom!