
Hi! Welcome to "CRIMSON", the TFL and the TAFL approved fanlisting for Corticarte Apa Lagranges, the heroine of the visual novel, light novel, game and anime Shinkyoku Sohkai Polyphonica, created by Ocelot and Sakaki Ichirou!

Corticarte (or simply Corti for her friends) is an energic and powerful spirit of the crimson wings, that made a conctract with Phoron, the male protagonist of the series. He's a human that comes in contact with creatures of Polyphonica World and that is able to materialize themselves in the real world, leaving them to live with humans. This is the begin of his meeting with Corti, a beautiful girl that usually apprears like a child (her personality is very childish too). She's adorable and pure, I'm in love with her!

This is the second version of the sites, that I revamped because of the awesome new illustrations I found.

Please choose a link from above to fully access this site and if you're a fan of Corti, feel free to join her fandom!


Script used: Enthusiast
Updated: 09th March 2025
Member count: 10
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Nina Ren

Part of Celestial Dreams
       & Complication
On-line since: 3rd May, 2009
Owned by: Dorothy

Haruka Tomatsu (Corti's Voice Actress)



Staff of      
Creators and    
Sakaki (Crimson),
Junichi Ōsako (Black), Madoka Takadono (White), Toshihiko Tsukiji (Blue).

          ku   Sohkai

      is the property
  of Ocelot.
This is a
  fan-site and I don't
  intend to violate any   rights. Layout © Dorothy.