You reached Strong Hearted, the fanlisting dedicated to Carly Nagisa, character of the series Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's.

When I saw Carly for the first time, I thought she was really mad, but cute at the same time. Episode after episode, finally I found out her real personality, and she's a quite interesting character. I like her very much because she's always determined and because she fights with the power of love! *_* I hope she will menage to make something more with Jack!

If you're a fan of her as me, don't forget to join the fanlisting! ( ^-^ )/



Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 01st February 2025
Member count: 46
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Mezu

online since: February, 13 2009
listed at: The Anime Fanlistings <3
part of: Wonderland


Izayoi Aki Luca Izayoi Aki & Fudo Yusei


May 27, 2009: Carly's profile added. ç_ç
May 26, 2009:
added some icons in the extra section and added one new affiliate, Jack & Carly's community on LJ! Please, join it if you're a fan of them! ^-^
February 13, 2009:
the fanlisting is up! ^-^

YU-GI-OH! 5D's is property of Takahashi Kazuki, Toei Animation, Shueisha and Konami, all rights reserved. Layout and contents are ©Miriallia, do not copy or reproduce.